
Nimbus helps hundreds of farmers and regional businesses to secure competitive finance every year. Whether it’s a loan for property, machinery, vehicles, plant or livestock, we can help you.

Take control of your loan

Nimbus helps you to take control of your lending arrangements by identifying the right financial product for your situation and then negotiating competitive interest rates and terms on your behalf. No matter what your lending needs, we can help you to secure the right loan.

We understand your business

Nimbus doesn’t dabble in agribusiness and commercial finance. We specialise in it. We understand that your lending arrangements are far more than just ‘a loan’. In many cases, your business is everything to you and your family – it’s a home, an income and a way of life, all rolled into one. That’s why it’s important to get the right financial package, first time.

We take care of the paperwork

If you are like most farmers or regional businesses, you probably don’t know about different financial products that are available, have the time to prepare a detailed credit application or the experience to manage a competitive loan tender process and bank negotiations. Outsourcing your loan application to Nimbus allows you to get on with what you do best, while we take care of the paperwork.

Make lending providers compete for your business

As accredited finance brokers, we prepare, tender, negotiate and settle your loan application on your behalf. Submitting an expert credit submission to a range of suitable lenders helps to create competition for your loan, thereby increasing the likelihood of obtaining finance and more favourable rates and terms. You buy land, livestock and machinery at auction. Why not let the banks bid for your business? 

We talk ‘bank sense’

Unlike residential property, lending facilities for farming and commercial business are individually risk-rated. Therefore, the quality of your credit application has a direct impact on the likelihood of approval and the interest rate offered. We take the time to understand your business, financial situation and plans and then prepare a detailed credit application that shows your business in the best light. We take care to address all the key lending criteria required by lenders. A professionally-prepared credit application document tips the scales in your favour by delivering a ‘bankable’ proposal.

You don’t have to change banks

Our goal is to help you to obtain the right financial product for your requirements – and at the most competitive rates and most favourable terms. If you’re happy with your existing bank, we can review your current lending arrangements and examine different options, rates and terms. Alternatively, we can help you to solicit and review offers from other potential lenders. It’s your choice. Either way, we deliver a ‘win-win-win’ outcome for you, your lender and your financial advisors. 

Long-term business partners

Many farmers and regional business are frustrated by the need to continually explain their business, financial position and plans to new or inexperienced banking staff. At Nimbus, we’re here for the long haul. We take the time to develop and maintain an intimate knowledge of your business, financial position and goals. Our relationship does not stop once the loan is settled. We have regular contact with all of our clients are an always ready to assist with bank reviews or if your situation changes. We continually monitor the market to ensure your lending arrangements remains competitive and if necessary, we will re-engage with your lender or other providers. 

A team of professionals

Nimbus is a network of highly-experienced finance professionals throughout regional Australia. Many of our partners are former business bankers, meaning they know exactly what the banks are looking for – and have the expertise and  passion to represent you and your business in a highly competent and professional manner and with your best interests at heart. We enjoy close working relationships with all the major lenders, ensuring that your application is dealt with by competent banking staff and given every chance for a successful outcome.


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Nimbus finance broker

Nimbus staff locations


Managing Director

0438 410 828


Central & Eastern NSW
0455 328 414


0447 035 890


0477 009 000


South Australia
0447 552 089

Assistant Manager & Home Lending Specialist

0448 791 704

Finance Assistant

We understand agri

& commercial business.

We help you secure

more competitive finance.